Two can play at that game

Posted in Politics, Videos on August 29th, 2008 by Hyphen

Remember how the Republicans were so quick to use footage of Joe Biden campaigning against Barack during the primary after he was selected VP?  Well, since the rumors are that McCain will shortly be announcing Mitt “I strapped my dog on top of my roof during a family road trip” Romney as his own VP, this clip has surfaced right on cue.  Regardless of who he picks, his options are horrible and Biden will pwn ’em in the debates.

That said, these clips are pointless.  The entire point of the primary battle is to beat out your rivals, so you could find negative statements applied towards anyone.  However, unlike EVERY other candidate on both sides, Barack never attacked his opponent’s character or legitimacy.  Instead, he based his attacks around policy differences and campaign tactics.  See what happens when you take the high road?  You win.

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