Future Perfect

Posted in Comedy, News, Politics, Random Ish, Videos on October 3rd, 2008 by Hyphen

Anyone who knows me in person knows that I’ve been talking about this for a while.  As a media studies major, it’s hilarious to watch how predictable the media has become, on both sides.  Every time you think it can’t get any worse, an agency like Fox News stoops to new mindblowingly low levels of journalistic integrity.  They literally write the headlines they want to see and then just report them, regardless of what actually happened.  It’s often said that “history is written by the victor,” and while that will always be true, we now have another form of manipulation blending the lines between fact and fiction.

If I can dictate what happens tomorrow, I don’t have to do anything today.  I just make it so.  Scary.

By the way, the hour of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report is by far the best thing on television.  If you’re not watching these programs on a nightly basis, you’re missing out on the smartest humor out there.  I pity the fool.

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